Move Beyond Stuck Places and Repeating Patterns
Are you feeling entangled in complex mental and emotional patterns? Even though you're smart and capable, you might find yourself getting lost in excessive thinking, chronic feelings of insecurity, overwhelming anxiety and depression, and unsatisfying relational patterns. Our repeating internal narratives can enforce a sense of feeling stuck and disconnected from an authentic sense of self.
Erin Needham, LPC
Erin is a licensed Psychotherapist located in SE Portland, OR. She works with individuals seeking greater freedom within their hearts and minds, guiding them towards deep and lasting transformation through Depth Psychotherapy, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Spiritual Inquiry, and Dynamic Trauma Modalities. She validates and honors her clients' feelings, exploring together what these emotions are trying to convey. Erin believes there is an inherent intelligence in internal processes, and even the most challenging patterns serve an important purpose in the journey toward healing and growth.

Embracing Transformation
The seeds of transformation are often found in the places that feel most difficult and overwhelming. Depression and anxiety can be rooted in past wounds, often from early development. These symptoms are not just disturbances; they are messages from the psyche, guiding you toward greater wholeness. By listening to these messages, we can uncover the wisdom and potential for healing within you.
You Are Not Your Suffering
You are not defined by your thoughts, emotions, body sensations, or experiences. You are the awareness that observes these changing phenomena. As we cultivate a more spacious sense of awareness, it becomes easier to understand that we are not separate from the rest of existence. By releasing outdated identifications and limiting beliefs, we can connect more deeply with our essential nature and the inherent wholeness within us.
Discovering the Light Within
There is gold hiding in the shadowy aspects of ourselves. Our fears, shame, anger, and grief can become the fuel for expanding consciousness. By facing these internal barriers with compassion, we can untangle life energy from stuck places, allowing our true capacities to unfold.